Labels:text | screenshot OCR: Much of the credit for keeping Net interest in IF alive must go to Volker Blasius, maintainer of the Interactive Fiction Archive at the German National Research Center for Information Technology. This site truly is an archive, containing a wealth of files ranging from the free- and shareware games mentioned above (download 'em and try 'em out for yourself !), game walkthrus, Infocom documentation, sample game transcripts, Infocom histories, Infocom-related magazine articles, demos, gif files, and back issues of two on-line 'zines devoted entirely to Infocom and text adventures: Eileen Mullin's XYZZYnews: The Magazine for Interactive Fiction Enthusiasts, and G. Kevin Wilson's SPAG: The Society for the Preservation of Adventure Games. You can reach the site via anonymous FTP : ftp. gmd . de ...